Surgical Pathology


Specimens for routine pathologic evaluation must be submitted in 10% neutral buffered formalin, which initiates fixation of the tissue and stops autolysis. Please select the most appropriate size of container for the specimen so that the ratio of tissue to formalin is at least 1:15, this is key for proper fixation and subsequent testing. Ensure the container lids are securely tightened to eliminate leakage. Be certain that small specimens do not get caught in the lid or on the side of the container, where they can dry out. Specimens are not to be submitted on woven gauze material due to the risk of potential specimen loss.

Exceptions: Specimens requiring special handling or processing other than routine histology should NOT be sent in 10% NBF. Please refer to specific specimen procedures to determine the exact method.

Patient Prep

Patient preparation for all histology specimens is according to the instructions specified by the patient’s physician unless otherwise specified in the procedure for each specimen type. 

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Proudly Serving the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina

Pee Dee Pathology owns and operates two anatomic pathology laboratories in Florence, SC & Myrtle Beach, SC where evaluations of surgical and cytological specimens are performed.

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